Monday, August 24, 2009

The Next Step...

I wanted to create this blog to go chronicle what happens next. I thought picking a college would be insanely difficult. How about picking a life!?

Two years ago I ventured on my very first missions trip to Romania and ever since then I have not been able to forget that place, or those people. I figure there is a reason for that. It has never been the perfect time for me to leave home and pursue this dream/calling. I want to go and serve there for a year with Touched Romania. EVERYTHING is in place. God has performed so many miracles on my behalf already.

MIRACLE #1 The first one was graduating. Somehow, I was able to finish before the summer was over. It really didn't look like it was going to happen and I would need to take an extra class this Fall. God knew that if this was going to happen I would need to graduate and not have to worry about school.

MIRACLE #2 Italian father's approval. IMPOSSIBLE. I really believed this would be the insurmountable obstacle. I've had this conversation with my father before. His response was "You're not going to waste your life doing something like that." Obviously there is much he did not understand. A few weeks ago, after much prayer, I went to dinner with him and explained to him what I planned to do if given his permission, and he said YES! I am beyond excited about this one.

Praying and seeking ..
